Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Life today.
Let's see.

Today's Monday in Temasek Poly(TP). Our first lesson was lab work in Electronic Devices & Circuitry(EDEV). Mira and I concluded that we preferred Mrs. Kwong more! ("p)
Mrs. Kwong walks around the lab checking on each one of us, making sure we are doing the right thing and helping us with any problem. A WHOLE lot of things could go wrong even if it's patching up a little circuit, it's not as easy as it looks >.<

The current teacher pretty much just say there and expect us to complete the circuit on our own. She only walks around to mark our paper and monitor us a little bit...or to shush Sunil up, hehe~ Poor Anythony spent half the time trying to figure out what went wrong with his circuit cos he's reading wasn't right and the teacher only came to check up on our row at the very last minute, causing Anthony to waste all his time digging his brain to see what went wrong. She could have been a better help had she realised Ant was struggling earlier on.

Anyway, here's what I did today :D
Looks so basic and "wu liao" right. Yeah, it is. Look! The LED is lighting up! Why? Because the diode is forward biased! Dang, I forgotten about all the nonsensical stuff I learned about diode for Physics...it doesn't seem so nonsensical now -__-


What's next? Next we had a lecture on Digital FundaMENTALs 2. The lecturer is this lady probably around 30+ I'd say. She is very prim and proper, had tidy, straight-trimmed shoulder length hair where not one hair is out of place, she dresses corporately(really, like corporate) and she has that confident aura that lets one know she is in command and is serious, seriously.

We were there early for the lecture and she was kinda shocked and went on to question whether she was in the right lecture hall. Then smiled at us. Hm...where am I going with this? Mira and I concluded(me & Mira have become tag-teams in judging people :P) that she seemed less menacing and in demand and more friendly, sweet and approachable when she smiles. Me and Mira also concluded that if she smiles more, she looks more attractive than her robotic-lecturer-self. She does seems attractive, but unfortunately the lightings from the projecter and in the lecture hall does not do any lecturer any justice. Gahaha~

One thing that occured during the lecture that disrupted Miss. Prim-and-Pristine's lesson came courtesy of your's truly...gahaha! I was so embarassed!
I had not noticed that I had accidentally set my alarm for tomorrow, today. The alarm was ringing from soft to loud and I hadn't noticed that some sound was coming from my bag until Jole nudged me and said "It's your phone". By then, the alarm was ringing the maximum volume and Ms. Commander-Lecturer commented, "Why got radio huh?"

Too bad it had to ring just a few moments after Ms. Prim-and-Pristine looked menacingly at a student and said, "Please keep your handphone," in her ever-demanding tone. When I finally shut off the the alarm, I could feel my face burning with embarassment. Gahaha! I didn't even dared to look up and pretended to be doing my work :P

Here's the "radio" to my alarm.

You can't complain. That's a super nice song for my alarm. You can never go wrong with Usher. Except when he says, "Women have started to become lovers of each other as a result of not having enough men."
That's what I call nonsensical.

Later during lunch break...

While I was busy waiting for my Thai Mee Goreng(fyi, I waited for like 20 minutes just to get my mee goreng...I was so hungry), I suddenly smelled(is that a real word?) a whiff of chlorine. I could smell chlorine all the way when I walked from the food stall to my seat. It was quite strong actually and I felt like a little poisoned. I think it might have came from the air-conditioning...or something. When I sat down, I asked my friends if they have smelled the chlorine too, but none of them did. I looked around and everyone was busy enjoying their meals and chatting away, unaware of the smell of chlorine that still dances around my nose.

At this time, I had this "vision" in my head where no one had picked up the smell of chlorine(how many times have I mentioned chlorine?) and continued chowing down their food. Later, it will be too late and everyone would start feeling nausious, poisoned by the chlorine that mysteriously appeared and er, poisoned everyone. The school would have to shut down because everyone(and by everyone, I meant a whole lot of people who thronged the ITAS canteen) was poisoned and no one realised it at all...EXCEPT ME.

Then I got hungry and started chowing down my food...and completely forgotten about the whole "chlorine episode". Ofcourse, no one was seriously injured from the chlorine episode and no one got hurt during the course of my "vision".

The moral of the story is: Once you get older, you start worrying about nonsensical things like chlorine poisoning in school. Or, it's just me -_-"


rachel said...

anythony?? i pity ur friend...

nausious?? wrong spelling...

-Kat- said...

How to spell nauseous?

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