Monday, December 29, 2008

Observations and Keypoh-sation

Brace yourselves, I am about to reveal to you a million-dollar picture that can only be seen by so few. It is a view of high worth and very few people will get the chance to see it. It is a once and only lifetime chance to see such a significant picture and I am very proud to show it to you. Ladies and gentlemen, gentleladies and men, I give you...

Well, it IS a million dollar view, I can see TP straight out of my window and it's exactly the centre-front of the school. Who else has a view like that? Who can actually proudly announce that they can wake up every morning, open their window, and see the front of TP directly opposite? Who else can truely say that every time they return to their room and open their window the first thing they spot is TP? Who else can raise their from their desk, out the window and see TP? Who? I DO!

. . . . . .

Dang it. My life here is going to be so boring isn't it? Waking up every morning to the same view of the same school that I'll be attending for the next 2++ years. Great. Just great.

Here's a little something I noticed while looking out my window today(no, I DON'T look out of my window everyday just to see what's going on at TP, it just so happens that 'something' is going on there that is clearly visible -_-). They are putting up new banner on the walls in preparation for the Open House this coming January. Don't know who those people in the banner are, but they sure look happy studying in TP. Really? Do you really become the happy looking people in the banner when you study in TP?

Unfortunately that's never true(I don't know why am I even discussing about this). Today, today, today. I got my E-Maths 2 marks and not so proud, so I frowned. There is no eternal happiness when you study in TP, dear friends, no(I am not too sure what am I blabbering about so I'll end this topic abruptly . . . here).

Speaking of the Open House, if any one of my juniors or if you know of someone who is coming all the way from Kluang to the East of Singkapoor to TP's Open House during January, do let me know. I'll be glad to move you around and show you the what's special about TP(and the non-existant eternal happiness that you'll obtain here).

Another thing I want to keypoh about is a new trend among the boys of this part of the world. Boys, seriously, what's going on? What are you guys trying to prove here? What's the message here? Are you guys sure you're giving out the right signals?

That's right. It's the "manbag" trend. I'm not quite sure if I've made the word up, but I think I have heard of it somewhere...anyway, "manbag" is the men's version of the women's handbag. Seriously! Why are men carrying bags like women! Why!! It's least to me. It just doesn't suit right. Meterosexuality is definitely kicking in, with more men beauty products in the market, guys really care about how they look nowdays, which is a good thing. But, really, don't push the meterosexuality too far. It's not cute. Not cute at all. Unless you're Hugh Jackman. *wink wink*

Then the guys they have this look. Their wear a tight fitting top, could be body hugging V-Neck tee, or a button down, then they wear this pants which is just at knee length. Then they wear some really nice shoes...I don't have a pic of this look, but ask me, I can't point at any direction in school and I'm pretty sure my fingers will hit on some guy with that look. Anyway, the "gay-ish"(no offense, observations, no discrimination) look is acceptable, but unfortunately it works on some guys and not on others. So don't push it, and guys, try this look at your own risk! May send out wrong signals...I'm just saying.

Man-bag, not for everyone. Seriously, just don't. Unless you're totally adorable and gay. And the the look is totally NOT working on victim #2. FUGLY bag(it kinda looked like he stole his sister's handbag and then decided, "Hey, I could TOTALLY work this, sista!"*snap*), FUGLY dress up, FUGLY! You want a bag? Trash bag would have looked better on you.

Random TV quotes of the week:

"Why do you sound surprised? I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America." - Liz Lemon(Tina Fey) on 30 Rock.

Phoebe: How can you let him talk to your crotch like that?
Rachel: He's talking to the baby.
Phoebe: Ohhh! Okay! Okay, 'cause when- when he said "I can't wait to hear your first words", I thought, there's a trick!
-Phoebe and Rachel on Friends.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ch-ch-cheeeeeeckit Ouuuuuut~


Let's get to it...School's starting tomorrow, I'm supposed to submit my CDS blog's URL for evaluation, that's done but the blog is completely empty - smart ass like me would choose a topic on politics, then crack my head thinking what am I suppose to write about, brilliant, another BRILLIANT choice, Kat - then I'm supposed to submit a flowchart for the Computer Programming project but I haven't done a single thing yet, so good luck to me. Finally I have the DFund2 soldering project which is about er, 60% percent done. Gah, school. I'm s0o0o0o0o0o looking forward to it. Can't you tell my enthusiasm? (-_____-)

This video has been out for sometime, but I don't know if it's on MTV yet or not(because I have no TV, nor MTV here in Singkapoor - yay -__-"). It's by my favourite idol(if you haven't already know), the awesome-tastic, one and only, Ms(again) Alecia Moore, Pink! Weeee~

Not one to shy from controversy and never afraid to do whatever s**t that she wants to do, this video is a little unconventional so I'm not sure if the full video will be on MTVasia. Pink's the original rockstar, strong vocals, great lyrics, loud fashion and in-your-face attitude. Katy Perry, yeah she's the amateur here. Wait no more, I give you, Sober by Pink. Cheeeeeckit ouuuut.

P!nk "Sober" Music Video

And when you've got nothing else to do, you do this. Does anyone really read this?
Chee Emily tagged me to do this, so I have to do it right? Here goes.

I Wanna Do Something(OMG is that a Britney's song?!)
1. Name the people you tagged. (10)
- Er, if you happen to actually read this, then I tag you, everyone. Or if you have nothing else to blog about. Hmph.

2. Describe yourself in one word.
- Human :)

3. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
- I'll pick my nose. Geeheheeh~ Ok, seriously, I'll pick someone who loves me(do you love me? :P). You can love someone with all you heart, but I guess it would be meaningless if that person hates you to the core.

4. Have you ever loved someone before but never had the courage to tell him/her?
- Gaaahhhahahahhaha~

5. How if people reject your confess face to face?
- I don't Drown myself in self pity. Then mooove on.

6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, IF you love someone special, what will you say to that person?
- Come with me to heaven. Gaaahhahaha~

7. What will u say to a person who doesn’t want to believe u?
- Very well then, the truth will show itself. Justice will prevail. GOOD trumps EVIL. Really, I have prove.

8. Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
- I don't need to LEARN, I know *smirk* Unless ofcourse, if I don't like that person then, like the words of some wise old men, "Let it be". Thanks, The Beatles :)

9. Do you have something special with you all the time?
- Yes. Ah, it's definitely something very special and dear to me. Something very important to me. Something that I cannot live everyday without. Without it, my world seems blur, I am aimless and my steps wobbly. I am so thankful for you, you are so important and special to me and I obviously would not go anywhere without you, my SPECTACLES :D

10. Long distance love?
- Is that some kind of special name for a cocktail drink?

11. Best place to cry.
- Best place? How about I name all the WORST places to cry...

12. Who do you love the most?
- Love is for all humanity. And cute fuzzy, furry little animals.

13. Tell us of your dream last night?
- Gaaaaahhahahahhah~ "Last night I dreamt of you, but will dreams ever come true?"

14. Ever hated someone so bad?
- That I want to choke them with my own bare hands until they scream and squeel for mercy while their face turn blue and their veins start popping on the surface of their skin and they gasp so deeply for precious air as the little cells in their body slowly give up and their hearts start beating faster and faster, until pumping blood no longer mattered? Nah, I wouldn't want to dirty my hands like that. Plus, I would be wasting precious energy on such insignificant creature >:)

15. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
- Seriously Sarah Palin, do you still believe Alaska has borders with Russia?!

16. The last person you had a beer with?
- Beer. Sounds familiar. Does it taste like strawberry?

17. The last person you went to the movies with?
- Weeeee~ That was fun cause Ah Ping kept falling asleep during the movie. Need to slap her more. Tan FoLing, Prethesha and her friend Jolene(not to be confused with JOLE) was also there. Ooohhh popcorn....*zombified eyes*

18. The last person you talked on the cell phone with?
- Huh? Fauzan...dang...

19. The last person you hugged?
- Sorry, NOT a touchy-feely person. Except for special cases. Geeeheheh~

20. The last person you yelled at?
- I do alot of yelling. Like every morning. "Ikan, ikan...mari, mari, murah, murah!!!!"

21. In the last week have you kissed someone?
- "I kissed a ___ and I like it..." According to Malaysian radios, Katy Perry kissed something, a chair, a fish, a grandmother, a husband...oh, the possibilities. We just don't know what she kissed. No idea at all. *Roll eyes*

22. Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?
- Where the hell is the remote control!!! Where!!! I can't change the channel without the REMOTE CONTROL!!! ARrrrggghhhHH!!

23. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
- I wish I have more I can give some to Sarah Palin.

24. If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?
- I'll visit Oprah so she can bring me to MORE places :D

25. What you hate the most?
- SPIDERS!!! They are EVERYWHERE!!! I'm fine with them as long as our live don't interfere with each other. They better not cross over to my territory, or THEY'LL BE SORRY! Or mostly, they'll just be DEAD >:)

26. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
- On second thought, I wouldn't want to give up more brains for Sarah Palin. It'll just be a waste...

27. Five facts About Me:
- I talk, eat, sleep, breathe and live :)

28. Five things that scare me:
- Sarah Palin(she's more of a person than thing, but who cares)
- Spiders(wanna scare me? Try it)
- Myself(I surprise myself everyday...not really)
- Stinky people(again, I could only think of people...I'll write a THING next)
- High places(it's a THING right?)

29. Two Songs Playing in My Head Lately:
- I know this..."Sober" by Pink cuz I just posted it and er...Run by Leona Lewis.

30. Five Things I treasure in my life:
- Oprah(again she's NOT a thing, but who cares!), love, humanity, humility and GOD.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Another day in life as seen through my eyes.


December 26th, another day spent in TP. Today we had the workshop thingy that we are supposed to attend. Basically, it's "supposed" to be an introduction into soldering, we were "supposed" to do some basic soldering that will help us better understand the next subject, Medical Devices. Fortunately, we started doing some soldering work for DFund 2 already so we don't need to cover so much of the basics stuff.

One of the practices is to solder ANYHOW and this is what I did :)

For the real circuitry, initially I had some problems with my connection. But much thanks to Dr. Ravi who was so helpful, he helped me identified my ONE wrong connection. All I had to do was to desolder it and re-solder again. Weeee~ Thank God it worked well and I was able to finish rather quick.

The rest of the day, I waited for Mirrra cuz she had some problems with her circuit. We were the last to leave and we walked happily with Dr. Ravi out of engine school. Then he proceeded to follow us out of the school...and after sending Mirrra off(she was rushing to see her Mirafie ;P), Dr. Ravi said he wanted to "kidnap" me for the day. Somehow, these few days I had a number of people saying that to me...didn't know I have 'high kidnap-able qualities'.

Back to Dr. Ravi, he just whisked me off for another tea + makan session with him. Then he started talking about everything under the sun. One thing we mentioned was that he admires amazing figures, one example Jesus Christ. He says Jesus was a wonderful man and he admired that he sacrificed for the people. He also said Jesus never dies :)

It's always nice to meet people who respects and take the effort to understands about another's religion, made me feel ashamed of not appreciating Christ's sacrifice when I'm a christian myself.

He then said that no one is holy except God, not even priests. And he said one bunch of stuff I can't remember right now. The point is, Dr. Ravi is er, very unique person. The way he sees life is rather different from the normal person. He has his own way of interpreting life and sometimes it's a little unconventional. And he likes to talk in examples, sometimes very deep, kinda philosophical stuffs(which gave me headache to understand some :-s, but it's interesting to listen anyway). If you like meeting different people, talking to people with different views and have alot of patience to listen to his views and stories, have a chat with Dr. Ravi. Huh.

Ok. Finish. I didn't get enough sleep last night and feel like crap now :-S

Quick shoutout to Jole who arrived back safely to the land of Singkapoor from Obama-land. Jole's in the pink of health :D

Now I know what Ah Ping bought for me the other day from Disney Land Tokyo ("p), thanks to Jole. The metal piece thingy...Thanks Ah Ping!! Gahaahha...I know I was being "true friend" when I ask-3-ask-4(in chinese), hope I didn't pissed you off, but you know I greatly appreciate whatever you gave and the most precious gift from would, ofcourse, be our FRIENDSHIP :D :D *grins from mouth to mouth* *high-5 Ah Ping!!**

So, this Christmas Season, let me be thankful to God, not for the meagre Christmas gift that I've received(thanks Momma for the Miao0o0o bag, thanks Rachie for the Ipanema, thanks Sammie for letting me call you all sorts of name like how you call me >:( You owe me Prosperity Burger!!!) but for all the wonderful people I've met throughout my insignificant presence on Earth and all the relationships that I've shared with all these people including all old and new friends, fellow Girl Guides & Scouts, KTSL contestants, teachers, neighbours, bunch of ladies on the Internet, everyone, EVERYONE. I am THANKFUL :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Recession = Money + Money + Money + Family

I are back in Singkapoor again today(25th DECEMBER)

Seems like they like to cut short our holidays(i.e. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS) short. There's this Workshop that I have to attend tomorrow(26th DECEMBER) and I have absolutely no idea what are we suppose to do or what is the purpose of it. Dang it, I could have been at home eating popcorn.


Hair cut + Rebonding : RM 160
Dress : RM 53
Fruitcake : RM 7
Cheese cake : RM 28
Lunch : RM 4
Dinner : RM 5
Celebrating Christmas with my family :


Geeky me.


Me & one disgustingly annoying brother

Me & Rachie

Attack of the mata sepet clan

Pig face in the background




Wishing all friends and family members, near or far, a Merry Christmas
and may God shower His blessings on all of us


Happy New Year,
let's welcome the year 2009 with open arms
and may the new year bring new hopes, new insipirations, new aspirations, new memories, new friendships and continuation of old relationships :D

Quote of the day:
"Black is the new President, bitch!"
- Tracy Morgan, Saturday Night Live.
Goodbye Bush, rest well.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weee~ Term Test's over, Holiday's Here~!

Weee~ indeed :D

I'm done with term test and now happily residing at home for the holidays. Dang, I'm getting real lazy during the holidays...I'm so lazy to even blog...I've got loads of things I want to blog about, the will is strong but the body is just plain lazy ("p)

Term test was alright. I was such an angel(weeee~) in that I kept my laptop away from my sight so that I won't be distracted by the internet! But ofcourse, internet's not the only thing that can distract me...all in all, I think I did ok for the test, some mistakes here and there, but hopefully I can still survive. I did alot of studying(er...yeah, if you believe me :-X) with Jole, Lynnette, Jason-Watson and Rolls Royston. We studied(and ate, and talked and laughed courtesy of Lynnette) after each paper ended in school and it was pretty fun :)

Food for thought...Gehee~midnight snake while mugging for Biochem paper...not bad, for some soy bean food.

Er, don't know what she was doing, but from that wacky grin, you know my funny friend Lynette is not very stable, mentally :P

One of the days we even met online and played this viwawa thing. Studying konon! Gahah~~


After our last Biochem paper, Jole asked me, Mira, Netss, Jason and Rolls Roys to do soldering in school, the reason being Jole's going away to OBAMA-LAND during the whole of the term break and she won't have time to do her soldering. So we camped in iT school and burnt away! :D

Geeheee...this is a sample piece, but I am working on my own ok! All I need to do is to just create an exact copy of the thing. Er, easier said than done.

Mira, Rolls Roys and Jason "hard at work" soldering...note the seriousness in their faces, otherwise not seen on them in their everyday lives.


Chiong back to home, KLUANG :D

On me way back to Johor, I passed by the new customs building, Iskandar something(hence everything else shall be named after the Sultan, buildings, spoon, chair, bed, car, pet-er, hope I won't get into trouble for saying that[read: ISA]). It's pretty impressive(compared to the old building *roll eyes* which is a piece of CRAP!), looks very high-tech and all, clean, ofcourse new, grey...which kinda makes me feel like they are creating something similar to Singapore's custom because of all the grey hues. One thing I do like about Malaysia is that they like to put simple touches to make it feel very, er, Malaysian-ish. They have incorporated black and white pictures of indigenous people from Sabah and Sarawak, you know a Iban warrior holding a shield kinda pics. Very nice, feels very home-y, its always nice to feel that human-touch when in a cold, big, corporate grey building. Nice work, you Johor people. I just hope its maintained nicely. If you do happen to cross the sea into Singapore through Johor Customs(or vice-versa), do pay attention to the little details :)


It's always nice to come home and meet up with my fellow Kluang-ians and all my friends(I :hearts: all ya'll!). Ah, the comfort of home, it gets sweeter since most of us had gone our separate ways after Form 5, and now we get to meet up and catch up with one another.

In the pics: Chee Emily, Tan FoLing, LyLyana and Ten Ten Tenssss and me at Old Town, Kluang :)

PS: Thanks lots and lots of lurve for my high flying friends(literally) Ah Ping(konnichiwa) and Shying(er, Sabah mari) for all your lovesss, especially Ah Ping for being host. All the best to Shying in furthuring your studies and may our, er, 5566 continue on aik!! Also equal lots of lurves for FoLing and Lying for all the laughter :D

Friendship last forever! We just decided to put a ring to it! Guess which is me?

To end this post, I shall post Explode by Uh Huh Her again. I posted their song in one of my earlier post, but I liked their song so much I'm going to post it again but this time with their official video. Do check it out, it's an awesome song.

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