Monday, February 9, 2009


I can't believe so many things happened in the short span of today, 9th February 2009. WARNING: Another long post that no one will probably read :-/
Looks like I've been bitten by the blogging bug...I are BLOGGER!


I woke up late this morning feeling a little lazy to go to school. But since I thought I was going to hand-up my EDevices & CKT mini project, I thought I'll just go to school, test out my circuit and happily hand it up. Unfortunately, things don't always happen as we planned. Stupiak circuit refuses to function, not even wanting to give out any beep at all when it is supposed to. So I ended the lab this morning feeling a little whacked. Just a little. And the lab technician who looks and behaves more like a serial killer didn't helped at all. We were just asking him to get us some components, and he was behaving like we were sentencing him to some labour in hell. Wadda-eff is wrong with him?!


Mira, Fauzan and I skipped Rudy's E-Maths2 lecture(and so did EVERYONE else) and went to Tampines Mall to buy a cake for Chen Han's belated 20th birthday celebration. We've done this quite a number of times for our classmates' birthday and I think we got more PRO in selecting cakes. We made a quick decision and bought Chocolate Truffles from Polar :D

It was clear when Chen Han arrived at Breadboard and saw the cake that he was truly touched. I could see his eyes redden just a little bit ;)

I am truly glad and proud of my classmates' decision to sort of start a tradition of celebrating everyone's birthday. It is a really fun and exciting thing to do, to make each and everyone of our classmate feel special and appreciated during their birthday. Eventhough it's just a simple cake and simple celebration, I am glad we can do this as a class :)
GO I801!!! We so totally rawkxr! Yeah!

Moving on...

Today I am rather blur. I don't usually lose my things (**no one should argue with me about this :P**). But unfortunately, I lost two things today!!

My toolbox has decided to DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR. I usually don't simply leave my things around(unless I'm completely distracted, which er, doesn't happen that much but I'm not justified...). After a series of confusing and distracting events, where I was:

-laughing uncontrollably with Mira(as usual)
-holding numerous objects in my arms
-taking out things from my beg
-helping other people hold some stuff
-handing stuffs in my hand to another person,

I realised that my precious toolbox has mysteriously disappeared from the comfort of my arms, where it is safe and warm. Sadly, my toolbox decided that I had neglected it during that confusing time, where alot of activities were happening within my arms. It felt unimportant, unuseful, unattractive and decided to DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR (T-T)

Please, my dear toolbox! Come back to me! I promise to treat you well and make you the most important thing in my life(right now because all my mini project circuit is inside!!!). I promise to take good care of you and not neglect you like I did today! I promise to keep you safe in my arms, away from harm. I promise to always remember where you are and look for you when you disappear! Please, come back to me! I will die without you!! *only because my mini project is inside*

I also lost my 5566 Friendship ring :-s
I had no idea where I placed it. SAD! I really don't know when did I took it off and where I placed it. Sorry guys! I'm really sorry I lost it! But at least I wore it on a daily basis and show it all around...hmmph!

After that. . .

I did a whole lot of walking around today. I walked around Tampines Mall buying cake and landyward for Chen Han. Then I walked around school, attending classes and hunting down my missing toolbox. After school, Mira, Fauzan and I went opposite the school to buy some souvenirs for Sunil to visit him after being discharged from the hospital. Mira and I then attempted to locate the exact bus to take in order to reach Sunil's house. After looping around Tampines for one hour(all within the radius of TP and my block), we finally found the right bus and were able to safely reach Sunil's house with ourselves(and our brain) intact.

Sunil was hospitalized for a week for dengue. It's surprising enough to know that the healthy + energetic Sunil was sick, let alone hospitalized. But I'm glad Mira and I were able to represent our class to visit Sunil at his house :D

He seemed a little weak, a little drowsy, not as hyper as usual, but glad that he's ok and getting better. Can't wait to have Sunil back in school!

Back to the walking topic, I was surprised to find that my soxx has torn! Gaha!! My soxx has holes in them! Holey soxx! Waddarrfff~ Gehee~

I know my shoes aren't the right size and the soxx is some cheapskate soxx but I didn't know one day's walking would completely dig holes in them! *momentarily remembered Alvin Che's "Giant Hole" video*
I seriously need to get the right shoe size and good soxx :-/

Besides that . . .

What else? Ice Queen enjoys torturing people!! Gah!
I saw the sheepish smile on Ice Queen's face when she intentionally tortured people. The smile was one of enjoyment and satisfaction. I think Ice Queen enjoys torturing people from that smile. I smiled myself, obviously my mind has wondered somewhere else...anyway, it's not everyday that I get to see Ice Queen smile. Belive me, oh my, Ice Queen is so cute when she smiles. She ought to smile so much more :)

And Ice Queen, I know you won't be reading this, but, I DO noticed that you've FINALLY changed your wardrobe. I've recently concluded that you only have 2 pants(black and brown) and at most, 4 tops, of which you alternate and mix-and-match them within the week. Glad to see that you've finally added new tops to your wardrobe :D
Today you look extra chic with your tucked in top and pants. I lurve the white top and black pants, you look totally fantastic and very in control. The look enhances your prim and proper, "I'm-in-control", confident and fierce self. Way to go, Ice Queen. Still as icy as ever. Can't wait to see what you'll be wearing tomorrow. We don't have much time left, but I'll try to make use of the remaining time before it's too late.


I would like to announce that today, 9th February 2009, is a HISTORICAL DAY. It is a day of much importance to myself. A day where I let myself be vulnerable, weak, lost, emotional, idiotic, confused, totally unprepared, impromptu, crazy. Everything. Although it made little impact in my life overall, I am glad I passed at least one stage, crossed one line this time, though there are so much more lines I have to cross. It is a day where I learnt to be more self accepting, more open, more trusting, more vulnerable. It is a day towards self acceptance and exposing myself to the ones who mattered most to me. It is a day towards ups and downs, happiness and sorrow, new friendships and ending of old ones. I cannot say that I would feel much more relieved after the incident, or that I could breathe more easily.

I still feel insecured, untrusting, unsure of myself and others. I still feel crushed and suffocating. I still feel messed up and regretful. I still feel sorry and guilty. I am who I am and I am not ready to be who I am. I am living with myself, in my own world where no one has seen another side of me. I am living in a world where I am normal. My journey now, sure to be winding and full of obstacles, is to bring my world, into THIS WORLD. much of reflections and opinions in my last 2 posts~
Being rather emotional and reflective these few days :D

Last shout out, I LURVE my class I801~!

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